This week we had transfers and I got moved to Cofradia. It is more city-ish than
my last area, Villanueva. I also got a new companion, his name is Elder Crisostomo. He is from Mexico and he only
has 3 months left on his mission. He has been in this area for 18 weeks and this is his 3rd change here. I am living in a
really nice house and I am cleaning a lot. Our area is not super dangerous, but
not super safe... its Honduras.
Our area is a branch, but we meet in a chapel
every Sunday. Our branch is really big, but there are a lot of less-actives
in the ward and we are working with them. One of them are the Fernadez family. They
have been inactive for almost 4 years and yesterday we met with them and they
opened up to us all of their problems. That's good because now we can help
them get activated again.
Cofradia Town Square |
Our area is pretty big. It's called Paraiso 2. We have 9
colonias in our area. I am still trying to get to know everyone in our area, but
I am learning a lot.
Elder Shoaee