
Day 34 | Week #5

This last week has been great! My companion’s nose has gotten better and he is able to take off his bandages. We all call him, "Brad Pitt" or "MJ", because he got a nose job. Anyways… things are awesome here! Today I got to go to the Mexico City Temple, it was amazing! We went to the Visitors' Center only, but the Spirit was still strong and it felt great.

Mexico City Temple Visitors' Center

I get my flight itinerary for Honduras Wednesday or Thursday. I’m not sure, but I heard we can email on Saturday in the afternoon. My district is finishing up all of their language books and were all ready to get into the field. Tomorrow we are going to teach a real investigator, my teacher’s sister in-law has been having some problems in her life so we are going to see if we can help her out :) !!  I am exited to teach a real investigator, it is going to be amazing.

This last week during gym time we play futbalito or fuse-ball. It is really fun and we are getting pretty good at the game. We have been watching a lot of church history videos on Sundays and I began to be super interested about the Doctrine and Covenants. I have read thirty sections in the past couple of days. I also have been reading the Book of Mormon and I'm almost done with Alma.

Things are great here. I love doing the service activities on Monday. It´s nice to do some manual labor after being in class a lot. This may or may not be my last letter until I get into the field and send a letter from the mission home in Honduras. BTW we have an Hondureño in our casa and he told us about Honduras and the parts of our mission.  He is super cool. I love the natives in our casa!

Love, Elder Shoaee


Day 27 | Week #4

I am almost done with the MTC. I can´t believe I already have completed FOUR weeks… only two left!  This week I had to move into a casa (house), because one of the elders in our district had to go home so now I am in a trio. The casas are super nice and there is way more space than at the dormitorio where I lived for the past three weeks. I am having such a great time with all the elders of 17C and 17D. We have so much fun!

Another thing that happened this week was we went to the doctor’s office for my comp’s nose and there was a lady in the waiting room who asked who we were and we explained. It was sort of missionary work :)

Not that much has been happening that is out of the ordinary at the CCM. It does rain a lot here and I love it. It’s so nice to see everything so green and pretty. I am excited to go to Honduras, but I will also miss it here.


Day 19 | Crazy Week #3

This week has been crazy. My companion broke his nose and we had to go to the hospital in Mexico City. When we got to the hospital it was a little different than in America, it was really nice! The room that we stayed in was amazing, I kept calling the room the "Ritz Carlton", because it was so nice and it had wood floors and an amazing view. My companion had to get surgery so all the Elders in my district had to make rotations to sleep at the hospital. My companion is getting better and we are going to the hospital today to get a checkup and to see if he can take the bandages off. 

There haven’t been a lot of new things happening. The language is coming along great and it feels like I'm just flying through the MTC. BTW: My departure date is set for September 2nd.


Day 13 | Awesome Week #2

This week was awesome! I am having such a great time with my roommates and the people in my district. The Elders in my room call me,” Mr. Clean” or "Señor Limpio", because I clean a lot and make everything nice (ha-ha).

The language is coming along and I also got two new "investigators", Erika and Daniel Alvarez, my language teachers. When Elder Harris and I teach them, we both can communicate really well and teach the lesson. We are not perfect, but we try our best!

I am the District Leader for District 17 D, it is a challenge sometimes. Whenever I feel down, I just remember what the Savior did for me and I try to show them my love for them. The most spiritual moment was on Friday; we have a companionship that never seems to get along so I pulled them both aside privately to see if I could help and the spirit hit me so strong, I couldn't express fully what I wanted to say. I know they felt the Savior's love for them, but I still pray for them every day that their relationship will get better.

Our Latinos left this week to go on their mission. It was super awesome to see them leave, but I miss them, they are funny guys. My mission so far has been great. Every day I work on doing better at things poco a poco, "little by little". 

I have found peace, happiness and love while serving the Elders y Hermanas of 17 D, it is helping me a lot and I enjoy every minute of it!