
Day #368 | Week #53

This week was awesome. The baptismal date for Sindy is getting closer (August 8,2015) and she is progressing a ton. She is 17 and she makes hammocks.  We started teaching her family, but all of them that we were teaching moved away.   Right now she is the only person we are teaching in her family. Also this week we had some amazing lessons and we taught this one guy who grew up in New York. 
One-Year Anniversary | 07/23/2015
Elder Soto's (my companion) brother started his mission in the Honduras San Pedro Sula East Mission so President Dester gave us permission to go to the airport to see his brother. It was a cool experience.

We also started teaching a teenager who's called Naun, he is super awesome. I feel like we'll start seeing progress with him.

Elder Shoaee


Week #52 | One Year Down & One To Go!

This week was chill. Elder Comin had emergency changes and now I am just with Elder Soto. 

We are teaching an investigator named Oscar, who lived in New York for 12 years. He is awesome and he has a bunch of questions. 

Also we are trying to find more people to teach. We also had a ward activity this Saturday, it was pretty awesome. That's about it for this week, not too much happened.

Elder Shoaee


Day #354 | Week #51

This week was super different, it was a really satisfying week. We have found many new people that we started teaching. 

Also the sister missionaries had a investigator that was one hundred and three years old. I had the opportunity to baptize him on Saturday, July 11th, it was a cool experience. 

Also we cleared a ton of doubts that people had about our church, plus we are getting better at teaching the lessons in a trio companionship.

I am almost halfway done with the book, Jesus the Christ. It is an amazing book and I am really learning a lot. 

Another cool thing is that we found out that marriages are going to be free in August. There is this one lady that is 80-years old and her papers were burned in a war so we are trying to find a way to get her married to her husband.

That's about it.

Elder Shoaee


Day #347 | Week #50

Alma 60:27-28
This week was cool! We had zone meeting on Tuesday, then on Wednesday we had interviews with the mission president, President Dester.

We contacted in an area that we have never gone before and we found a bunch of people that needed help. We were able to teach them and give a few of them blessings; it was an amazing experience. 

Then we contacted in some areas that we didn't know that well and we also helped one of our investigators build his house by digging out the foundation. Also we cleaned out our area book. We are just trying to get more organized so we can work more efficiently.

Elder Shoaee

7/07/2015 | Happy Birthday!!!

Jordan: Even though we are miles apart, I'm right by your side, thinking of you on your birthday, I hope your day is el grande! I heart emoticon U!!! xoxoxo... ~ Mamacita